Beauty Tips Using Tea

Natural beauty ideas using tea leaves

A bath refreshes the body, tea refreshes the mind.

Japanese Proverb

In my mind nothing is better than a hot cup of tea to relax you and it is proven to be beneficial when dealing with stress and anxiety. But did you know that tea can be used in many other ways, natural remedies being one of them. Here are some helpful beauty tips and ideas for using tea leaves or tea bags in your daily beauty regime. Natural, effective and great for the budget too.

  • Steamy Facial Goodness – Create a facial steam bath using just water and tea. Add a tea bag or a good tablespoon of tea leaves to a bowl of fresh steamy hot water. Place a towel over your head and shoulders, lean over the bowl for 5-10 minutes. I love to listen to some relaxing music while this steam bath opens my pores and relaxes me. Antioxidants in the tea are proven to tone, hydrate and nourish your skin.
  • Face Mask – Brew up a pot of green tea using an infuser or basket. Pop the brewed tea leaves and some liquid honey into a bowl and gently mix. Apply evenly to your face and leave on for 15 minutes. Enjoy a cup of the beautiful tea you made while you wait. Rinse off with fresh warm water and pat dry with a soft towel. Tea holds anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties which can assist with acne and sun or wind damaged skin.
  • Facial Treatment for Pimples and Acne – Steep two Chamomile Tea bags with 1 cup boiled water for 15 minutes. Let cool, then using a cotton ball dab onto your face after cleansing. The chamomile contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties so is wonderfully calming on inflamed skin and assists with healing. Jasmine Tea is packed with essential oils that are good for assisting with the skins pH levels and elasticity. Brew some Jasmine Tea, cool and apply for an effective astringent.
  • Facial Toner – Brew a tea bag let it cool then gently dab the tea bag over your face. Or you can create your own specially blended facial spritz by mixing together brewed tea with some lemon juice and honey. Combine in a spritz bottle and keep in the fridge (lasts approx 1 week) for a refreshing facial spray.
  • Eye Treatment – Using two tea bags (either Black or Green tea), brew yourself a tea pot of tea and enjoy. While you are sipping away squeeze out any excess liquid of the tea bags and place them on a saucer in the fridge for about 20 minutes. Once you have cooled the tea bags, find yourself a quiet spot, apply the teabags over your closed eyes and relax for 20 minutes. The tannins in the tea have been proven to reduce puffiness around the eyes. If you have dark circles around your eyes, Chamomile tea bags over the eyes works beautifully.
  • Hair Tonic – Teas can help your hair too. Make a strong brew of black tea and let cool. If using tea leaves, strain then pour the tea gently onto your hair and leave the tea in your hair for about 10 minutes. I like to wrap my wild wavy hair up in a funky turban. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner as usual. The tea will help strengthen and shine your hair. If you have blonde hair, chamomile tea is said to highlight the natural tones. Green tea is said to be very effective in assisting with hair growth.
Brew a beautiful pot of tea
  • Foot Soak – I love any kind of foot care, so relaxing to me. For a relaxing foot soak, blend a good handful of Epsom Salts and a handful of Black Tea Leaves. Add this to fresh warm/hot water in a foot soaking bowl or bucket and let cool to a comfortable temperature. Relax and soak your feet for around 30 minutes. Towel dry. Not only relaxing but the tannic acid in strong black tea kills bacteria and helps with foot odour.
Thank you Vidar Nordli-Mathisen
  • Bathing in Tea – Tea in baths is so relaxing and can be very beneficial for a range of things such as relaxing, aching muscles, post natal and environmental irritants. The skin is our largest organ so bathing in tea allows you to absorb the benefits much faster than drinking it. I love to use lavender, chamomile and peppermint for achy muscles and helping me to relax after a long day. Green tea is wonderful in a bath and leaves your skin felling soft and smooth. You can use herbal teas in a bath by creating a ‘Tea Bag’ and hanging from the tap as you run the water. Alternatively you can create your own special blend using Epsom Salts and teas mixed together. Check out my Healing Bath Teas post which I wrote specifically for new mummies, it has some fabulous suggestions.

{Medical Disclaimer: I am not a medical practitioner or midwife. Please do your own research and consult your medical care provider with any questions}

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30 thoughts on “Beauty Tips Using Tea

    1. Wow i had no idea you could do all of this with tea!! Thank you so much for sharing I’ll have to try that foot bath! My husband has been doing olive oil baths but I’ve never heard of a tea bath😍

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So pleased you have found it useful. Would love to hear your thoughts if you do try some of the tea ideas ☕ thanks for popping in.


  1. I love this post and wow I had no idea that tea could be used for so many things. I will give the chilled tea bags for eyes tip a try as my eyes are looking quite puffy lately. Thanks so much for sharing xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This amazing. I’ve had an all in one product all along in my house and I didn’t know.
    I’m very sold on the foot soak. I need to do more for my feet.
    Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes our poor old feet tend to be a bit neglected don’t they. Let me know how you find the foot soak if you try it. Thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love to use Epson Salt in my bath after a long and stressful day in the office. It’s so relaxing and I feel so much better after relaxing in the tub. I should try out some of the tea options you listed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I will miss not having a bath. I would love to hear your thoughts if you do try some of the tea ideas.


  4. Reaffirming my love of tea! Might need to try those bags on my bags! Eyes I mean.
    My Mum saves up all our used tea to sprinkle on the garden. Flowers are doing well, so it can’t be bad.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fabulous, I love sharing new information with you all. So pleased you found it useful. Thanks for popping in.


  5. This was really interesting to read as a self-proclaimed tea addict lol I’ve used tea bags as an eye treatment before, but that’s the only one on this list that I’ve tried. As someone who is constantly running around our back yard in my bare feet (I love the feeling of being that close to the earth, grass between my toes), I should probably try the foot soak!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great idea, let me know if you do. I spend a lot of time bare foot so it’s foot soak all the way for me 👣☕


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