All about me; The Tea Chest…

I was recently interviewed by the Corporate Affairs Liaison with the company I work for. They wanted to do a little interest piece on employees who have unusual hobbies and interests outside of work. I was quite chuffed with the outcome and the genuine responses from my colleagues across the globe. It made me think how very anonymous we are in this world – easy to portray ourselves in one way or another behind a keyboard and screen. So who am I? And why do I blog? And why tea?

I live in a coastal region in New Zealand, which is by all accounts the ends of the Earth. Blogging makes me feel like I am closer to the rest of the world; anything and anyone can be reached with our wonderful technology. Tea is a huge passion of mine (surprise, surprise!). I have a beautiful collection of tea cups, some modern, some quirky but a lot are heirlooms from my Grandparents which I cherish dearly. I have acquired a few tea pots, infusers and spoons over the years as well. All very functional but delightfully pretty too. On any given day, if you were to pop in, you would be offered a choice of about 40-50 types of tea ranging from herbal to black, white to flowering…one for every occasion and mood I say. I wrote a blog when I first started about how this blog and passion has developed and what I love about tea. Things have taken a few interesting turns since I started blogging; it wasn’t meant to be anything more than a way for me to share my passion, enjoy researching and discovering new things, express myself in a written form…oh how the universe can alter things up! Watch this space my tea loving friends, such joy is to be had. How it all came about gives a brief insight to my Tea Beginnings.

Reach out and let me know where you are from and what you are passionate about – I would love to hear from you ♥

The article about my Blog:

Can a hobby improve your overall well-being?

Why and when did you start the blog? I started my tea blog at the beginning of this year so it is still very new and evolving…brewing if you like.

Why tea?  I love tea, the ceremony of it, the history, the memories, the relaxation it brings, the holistic vibe that it encompasses and of course all the beautiful varieties, and the tea cups, pots etc…

What do you love about it? I love blogging a lot more than I expected.  It drives me to envelope new discoveries, appreciate the world of tea on every level and I love sharing my passion with my friends and family and now the world! 

Why it’s important to have passion projects outside work? I am all about the work/life balance and feel that this blog is so very different to how I spend my work life it allows me to breathe, savour my tea and for me writing is a very therapeutic way to express myself. 

How does it help with keeping your brain active and healthy? Researching is fun and educational, keeps me active as far as always having a different blog draft to think about. I quite often find myself writing one blog and thinking of other ideas for blogs to expand on.  Great way to e-meet people and gather ideas and feedback too.

Have you noticed any mental health benefits?  The amount of tea I drink on a daily basis may have increased a little bit and I always try and take time to enjoy the moment with my tea. So I guess I am  able to use tea to retreat and contemplate and in doing so settle my mind. 

Why do you blog? What do you enjoy most about this? I love TEA and I like to write so thought I would combine the two and see how it goes, also enjoy sharing my passion. I am heading away next year on a sailing trip and wanted to blog about the teas I discover along the way.

41 thoughts on “All about me; The Tea Chest…

  1. oh how lovely! I have always wanted to vist and actually LIVE where you live!!! It must be BEAUTIFUL!!! You could teach me and I am sure so many about all things Tea…looking forward to learning more! 🙂


    1. Thank you. We do live in a pretty amazing part of the world. Where are you from? Enjoy the blog ☕😊


  2. I love this. It is a great way to get to know you and your “why.” I just discovered tea about a year ago and I’m learning. So, your blog has come to me a just the right time. AND. I love your logo!


  3. Hi Justine, lovely to meet you and learn more about what you do and why. Fellow tea-lover over here in Australia… we’re neighbours!


    1. Fabulous to meet you too. I spend a lot of time in Australia, checking out all the wonderful tea shops 😉☕ welcome to the Tea Chest Blog ❤️


  4. If only we lived closer, I’d be inviting myself around for tea! I live the opposite side of the world to you. I love your blog…you know I adore the pictures too.

    That favourite tea cup of yours is so pretty! You must make that the main picture for me to repin on my Pinterest page (if you haven’t already).

    It’s great to learn more about you and your passion. I already know you’re a lovely lady though…😘😘😘👍🏻


  5. WOW! 60 different types of tea? I didnt know there was so many. I completely agree with the work/life balance and I love that blogging can provide that. It is also fun to research and sip some tea while you write. Thank you so much for sharing!


  6. I’m not sure why but it looks like I keep unfollowing you, I promise I’m not!

    I love a personal post like this. Especially while enjoying a brew. Today’s tea of choice is coconut green tea! Yum!

    Happy Monday, have a great week x


  7. I love tea and remember having tea parties with my grandma growing up. We recently started going to local tea houses too for afternoon tea which has been really fun. I love all the information you shared about tea and yourself. It was interesting and fun to read.


    1. Thank you for your kind words lovely to hear from you. Hope you follow our journey through my blog ☕


  8. I think tea is a great thing to blog about. I love tea! I find it’s good for most situations. Most of all though it helps me feel calm and rested. It’s soothing, hope that makes sense.

    Blogging is my new favourite hobby, along with reading..


    1. Hi there, it is becoming more popular here. We have 1 tea plantation situated in the North Island and lots of boutique tea specialty shops popping up.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Isn’t it fascinating! Ive just seen you are in Ireland, my favourite country. We were there last year for 3 weeks and had a wonderful time, can’t wait to go back.


  9. I didn’t know you were from New Zealand! Wow! Would love to see your neck of the woods sometime. I too, love tea. I collect tea pots and use many of them often. Right now I am only enjoying iced tea as it is still in the high 90’s in October! Thanks and I really enjoy your blog!


    1. New Zealand is definitely a special place, we love showing it off to visitors. Where are you living? Love teapots, hope you have checked out my History of the Humble Teapot blog ☕🙏

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love the fact that I can talk with you across the world and have things in common. This is one of the best things about blogging. Getting to know friends you would have never met otherwise.


  10. Hi Justine, Greetings! I love your tea blogs. Husband and I always look forward to our daily cups of ‘char.’ Born in
    the UK, we retired here in Spain nearly twenty years ago and really enjoy the Continental life-style.We lived in Canada for a short while many years ago and have travelled a lot over the years… Good luck on your future journeys – you have the right idea. Grab adventures with both hands, say I! Life is for living. (Way back – never missing a chance to write – I entered a comp. to write about TEA. and several of us tea-lovers were invited to a super ‘Tea-Party’ held on the roof-top of a restaurant in Kensington – and very tasty it was too, served with delicious pastries. Take care on your travels and full steam ahead! Best wishes. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Joy, what an interesting life you have had. Thank you so much for your kind words and wishes, we are very much looking forward to our next chapter it will certainly be an adventure and a good challenge for us both.

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